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Ian Bradley £9.99

An updated and revised version of Ian Bradley's acclaimed biography of Columba, which examines Columba's character, life and achievements and explores the key themes of Columban Christianity – politics, penitence and pilgrimage.

Warren Bardsley £8.99

An accessible, popular account of the 7th-century life of Adomnán of Iona, from his boyhood in Donegal to his death as Abbot of Iona, with an emphasis on the contemporary significance of his Law of Innocents - a revolutionary law which in its own day was as significant as the Geneva Conventions or the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Nancy Cocks £9.99

How can you help children to 'grow up with God'? One way is through storytelling. By telling children stories that speak of their concerns, by listening to their own stories, and by exploring their questions, you can help them to grow up trusting that God will be at the centre of their lives.