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Meditations & Reflections


Joy Mead £7.99

Poems written during an emotional time of absence and loss. Out of the shadows, the darkness, and often the injustice, the need to lament and mourn goes hand in hand with the special significance of small moments and ordinary occasions.

Lent & Easter

The Road Chosen

Janet Killeen £8.99

Poems, stories and reflections for Holy Week, using a variety of perspectives to get close to its events as Jesus unflinchingly walked the road that he had chosen.

Advent & Christmas

Towards Bethlehem

Janet Killeen £7.99

Stories, poems and reflections for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany giving new perspectives on traditional narratives. Suitable for individual or group use.

Joy Mead £8.99

A new collection of poems from Joy Mead. Her poems celebrate what it is to be alive and also, perhaps, what it is to contemplate death.

Katie Munnik £8.99

A collection of short stories told by vivid voices, charting the changing cycles and seasons of the year, and reflecting the liturgical patterns of the church and all the weathers of our hearts.

Bonnie B Thurston £8.99

Reflective, powerful poems about how, on a cosmic and a personal level, darkness gives way to light, reminding us that 'light shines in the darkness', that darkness is required to perceive light - and that Easter means the light has come, life triumphs, and the promised Holy Spirit will empower us for growth: 'eastering'

Joy Mead £9.99

A collection of favourite Joy Mead poems, many of them selected by the author's readers and friends, who ask 'Where can I find -?' when they want a poem for a special occasion. Also includes some new works.

Joy Mead £0.00

A free download providing an updated version of one of the poems in Glimpsed in Passing.

Joy Mead £8.99

Poems from Iona Community member Joy Mead. They come from the beauty of the glimpsed moment - a precious jewel held for a short time amid the pain and sorrow of the world, then let go into the bigger picture - The beauty is what we remember, what gives the moment its significance.

Martin Lönnebo, Carolina Welin, Carolina Johnasson £8.99

A book about the original Pearls of Life bracelet. There is a now a new version of the Pearls (available from Verbum Sweden at: where one of the beads is a different colour, but most of this book is still relevant.

Joy Mead £9.99

A book about small things and little occasions, the smells, colours, sounds, the looking, perceiving, thinking, remembering of our lives and the love that makes them significant. In a mix of poems, stories and material suitable for private or public reflection it explores our knowing and our unknowing. It celebrates the validity of all experience,...

Glendon Macaulay £14.99

Liturgies, meditations, reflections, prayers, poems etc that have been tried and tested with local congregations, often at ecumenical worship events. They celebrate the One who came to earth to live a fully human life, who understands what it is to be human. Material for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost and more.



Di Williams £10.99

This full-colour book offers a unique insight into labyrinths in the UK and wider, combined with Di's own stunning photography. It begins with a potted history of the labyrinth and hints for walking one, shares personal reflections and stories from the labyrinth and explores the variety of settings in which labyrinths are now to be found. It includes a section on how to create your own labyrinth and lead your own labyrinth walk.

Joy Mead £10.99

This collection of incarnational poetry from the author of A Telling Place, The One Loaf and Making Peace in Practice and Poetry explores a spirituality that engages with people, things, and the joys and sorrows of daily life.

Joy Mead £10.99

A book which explores the making and the mystery of bread - growing, making, baking, sharing - in story and recipe, poetry and prayer. In bread we see the true connectedness of all life - the uniting of body and soul, spirit and material.

Kate McIlhagga £14.99

The best of Kate McIlhagga's work in one collection. Includes poems and prayers of gathering and beginning; creation and self; Advent and Epiphany; Lent and mothering; Easter and Pentecost; pilgrimage and endings and blessings.

Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill £14.99

Modern, relevant resources to accompany readers through Lent and Easter for many years, with material for Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Mothering Sunday, Palm Sunday and Holy Week, as well as suggestions for a Lent discipline.

Out of stock
Joy Mead £10.99

Through poems and reflections Joy Mead imagines the women mentioned in the Bible as central to their own stories, rather than appearing briefly on the margins of a narrative which reflects a world perceived and led by men.