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Advent & Christmas

In This Season of Waiting

Thom M Shuman £8.99

Publication October 26th. Daily scripture readings, poetic reflections, and candle-lighting prayers for Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Thom M Shuman £8.99

Morning and evening liturgies for a time of lockdown and beyond.

Thom M Shuman £9.99

A whole year of daily short prayers, or 'nudges', inspired by the Bible - to speak to heart and soul.

Advent & Christmas

Christmas Eve in the Diner

Thom M Shuman £7.99

Bible readings, reflections and prayers for Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, for all those who find themselves serving, eating, resting and singing in diners (real and metaphorical) in this holy season - in hope that there they will discover God, serving and eating and resting and singing and welcoming them with open arms.

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Ewan Mathers £9.99

A new, smaller-format edition of Ewan Mathers' beautiful photographs depicting in detail the carvings of the restored cloisters of Iona Abbey, with text reflecting on the meaning of each design and information about the flora and fauna of the Isle of Iona and beyond, which most of the carvings represent. This use of symbols from the natural world reflects the close links of the early Celtic Christians with the land around them.

Bonnie B Thurston £8.99

Reflective, powerful poems about how, on a cosmic and a personal level, darkness gives way to light, reminding us that 'light shines in the darkness', that darkness is required to perceive light - and that Easter means the light has come, life triumphs, and the promised Holy Spirit will empower us for growth: 'eastering'

The Iona Community £9.99

New prayers, in the 'Celtic' tradition, for the whole of life - from chopping carrots or doing the laundry to healing our deeply wounded world.

Thom M Shuman £9.99

A collection of communion liturgies and other resources covering Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity and Transfiguration.

Martin Lönnebo, Carolina Welin, Carolina Johnasson £8.99

A book about the original Pearls of Life bracelet. There is a now a new version of the Pearls (available from Verbum Sweden at: where one of the beads is a different colour, but most of this book is still relevant.

Advent & Christmas


Thom Shuman £8.99

Daily readings for the four weeks of Advent. 'Reading one of Thom's books is like walking and talking with a friend. Someone who understands the fragility and failings of being human (and himself) but who continues to laugh, and to hope and work for the coming of the Light.'



Di Williams £10.99

This full-colour book offers a unique insight into labyrinths in the UK and wider, combined with Di's own stunning photography. It begins with a potted history of the labyrinth and hints for walking one, shares personal reflections and stories from the labyrinth and explores the variety of settings in which labyrinths are now to be found. It includes a section on how to create your own labyrinth and lead your own labyrinth walk.

Iona Community £6.80 ex VAT

This spiral-bound journal, with quotes to inspire your own reflections, is ideal for recording your thoughts, prayers and memories, whether used on a trip to Iona, at home or on your travels.

George F MacLeod £8.99

A new edition of this collection of poems and prayers by the founder of the Iona Community, with images of the island. 'To be in a seat at Iona Abbey, to be moved by the awesome oratory of a MacLeod sermon in full flood, to be led into the nearer presence of God by means of kaleidoscopic, imaginative prayer, was to be privileged and - more importantly - to be changed.' Ron Ferguson, former Leader of the Iona Community

Advent & Christmas

The Jesse Tree

Thom M Shuman £8.99

Reflections for the season of Advent based on those people who might only be mentioned once in the Bible (in the lineages in Matthew and Luke) - the women, the prophets, the exiles who, while not linked to Jesus genetically, nevertheless passed on their 'spiritual DNA' to him and to us.