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Showing all 12 results

Rosemary Power £3.20

Digital download: An ecumenical prayer walk for Good Friday which uses local landmarks to relate to the concerns of the community and its links to the wider world. Based on the medieval tradition of fourteen stations of the Cross. 24 pages.

Rosemary Power £2.85

Digital download: A liturgy for group use, intended as a way of using Holy Saturday within the context of Passion liturgy, by pausing, and reflecting on a world without God, and on our own human losses. 14 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

In Light and Love (PDF download)

Peter Millar £2.80

Digital download: Thoughtful and insightful reflections and prayers for each day of Holy Week. 13 pages.

Nicola Slee £2.10

Digital download: Feminist poet and theologian Nicola Slee reflects on the implications of the Resurrection for Mary Magdelene and all of us, with reference to a personal 'near-death' experience in her own family. Taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 5 pages.

Marie Pattison £1.85

Digital download: A Bible reading, a reflection and a prayer for Holy Saturday. A world of justice and peace is not yet here, but we build it every time we speak up for justice, every time we act to change the system. Taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 4 pages.

Mike Mineter £1.85

Digital download: A reading, a reflection and a prayer for Tuesday of Holy Week on working for a peaceful solution within a situation of conflict. From the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 4 pages.

Peter Millar £2.50

Digital download: Readings, reflections and prayers for each day of Holy Week up to Easter Monday. 9 pages.

Sarah Agnew £2.20

Digital download: A dramatic and poetic telling of the road to Emmaus story, for two actors and a narrator. 6 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Take us Back (PDF download)

David McNeish £2.30

Digital download: A thoughtful service for Good Friday featuring seven voices dispersed among the congregation. 7 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Prayers for Holy Week (PDF download)

John Harvey £2.60

Digital download: Prayers for each day of Holy Week to help us reflect on the unfolding events of that period and relate them to our own lives. John is a former Leader of the Iona Community. 12 pages

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Your Life in Us (PDF download)

Peter Millar £2.00

Digital download: Each of the seven utterances of Jesus from the cross, together with a prayer reflecting on each. Peter is a former Warden of Iona Abbey. 4 pages.

Jan Sutch Pickard £2.15

Digital download: Two reflections for Good Friday and one for Holy Saturday, taken from the books Out of Iona and We Journey in Hope. 6 pages.