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Bob Warwicker and Janet Lees £2.60

Digital download: An outdoor service for Good Friday. 10 pages.

Nicola Slee £2.10

Digital download: Feminist poet and theologian Nicola Slee reflects on the implications of the Resurrection for Mary Magdelene and all of us, with reference to a personal 'near-death' experience in her own family. Taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 5 pages.

Lyn Ma £2.50

Digital download: A Bible reading and a reflection for the Monday of Holy Week on having courage to stand up and speak out for what is right, with an emphasis on asylum seekers. Taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 9 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Seven Moments (PDF download)

Stephen J Maunder £2.80

Digital download: A service of prayer and reflection recalling seven moments during the day of the death of Jesus. After each reading, one of seven candles lit at the start of the service is extinguished. 14 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Seven Actions (PDF download)

Stephen J Maunder £2.80

Digital download: A reflective service for Maundy Thursday, leading into Holy Communion. Seven candles are lit during the service in response to seven actions in the narrative from John 13. 14 pages.

Trevor Thorn £2.20

Digital download: A meditation and a reflection for Good Friday, a lament for Holy Saturday, and a simple all-age activity for Easter Sunday. 6 pages.

Tim Aldred £2.80

Digital download: Worship resources for Good Friday, including drama scripts, with some reflections/prayers for other days of Holy Week. The author is currently Head of Policy and Research at the Fairtrade Foundation. 15 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Prayers for Holy Week (PDF download)

John Harvey £2.60

Digital download: Prayers for each day of Holy Week to help us reflect on the unfolding events of that period and relate them to our own lives. John is a former Leader of the Iona Community. 12 pages

Pat Bennett & Kerry Davies £3.20

Digital download: 14 vignettes (in words & pictures) that can be used in personal meditation, in group reflection, at church, at work, viewed on a home computer or on a mobile device - to draw participants into the Passion narrative, and accompany Jesus Christ on his journey from Gethsemane to the tomb.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Resurrection Stories (PDF Download)

Sally Foster-Fulton £1.80

Digital download: Stories for four voices of the resurrection of Jesus (read from the Gospels) and the resurrections that took place in the lives of three other people that he encountered during his life. Taken from the book Dirt, Mess and Danger, by Glendon Macaulay. 3 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

The Rock (PDF Download)

Sally Foster-Fulton £1.50

Digital download: A contemplation/reflection in the voice of the rock that sealed Jesus's tomb. Taken from the book Dirt, Mess and Danger, by Glendon Macaulay. 1 page.