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Bob Warwicker and Janet Lees £2.60

Digital download: An outdoor service for Good Friday. 10 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

In Light and Love (PDF download)

Peter Millar £2.80

Digital download: Thoughtful and insightful reflections and prayers for each day of Holy Week. 13 pages.

Thom M Shuman £1.85

Digital download: A reflection and a poem for Holy Saturday on the relationship between Jesus and Judas and what betrayal means for us. Taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 4 pages.

Elaine Gisbourne £2.20

Digital download: A Bible reading, a reflection and a prayer for Maundy Thursday, centred around a story of homelessness, shame and self-loathing from the author's work as a Street Pastor. Taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 6 pages.

Peter Millar £2.50

Digital download: Readings, reflections and prayers for each day of Holy Week up to Easter Monday. 9 pages.

Katharine M Preston £2.10

Digital download: A Bible reading, a reflection and a prayer for Palm Sunday, taken from the book The Sun Slowly Rises, by Neil Paynter. 5 pages.

Elaine Gisbourne £2.20

Digital download: Four substantial meditative prayers for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. 6 pages.

Dave Broom £2.55

Digital download: A service for the dawn of Easter Sunday, ideal for the open air rather than inside a church building. A special time of the morning on a very special day. From the book The Cross in the Marketplace. 11 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

The Last 24 Hours (PDF download)

Thom M Shuman £2.45

Digital download: A vigil for Good Friday that concentrates the final 24 hours of Jesus into about an hour. 9 pages.

Thom M Shuman £2.50

Digital download: A remembrance and celebration of that Last Supper of long ago and what it means to us - as the beginning of hope and much more. 10 pages.

Dave Broom £2.80

Digital download: Meditations for Good Friday based on experiences of Iona Community island staff who have worked with people on the edge socially, economically and emotionally. Each meditation includes reference to a Bible passage and can be used for personal reflection or as part of a service. From the book The Cross in the Marketplace. 16 pages.

Dave Broom £2.40

Digital download: A simple service of lamentation for Good Friday that can be used by groups of 10 or 12 people in various locations such as people's homes or in different parts of a church building. From the book The Cross in the Marketplace. 8 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Stations of the Cross (PDF download)

Dave Broom £4.10

Digital download: An extensive Stations of the Cross with, at each station, a Bible reading and a testimony from a person who witnessed one of the events in the story. This is very much a community event in which everyone can be involved. Taken from the book The Cross in the Marketplace. 40 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Maundy Thursday (PDF download)

Dave Broom £2.60

Digital download: A ceremony of foot-washing, Agape or Communion, the stripping of the church, and a vigil for 'the disappeared' and for prisoners of conscience. Taken from the book The Cross in the Marketplace. 13 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

An Easter Pilgrimage (PDF download)

Dave Broom £3.90

Digital download: A pilgrimage for the start of Holy Week, mainly in the form of dramatic scripts for each stopping point. Although based on the weekly Iona pilgrimage, it can be adapted for any local environment, including urban ones, or even be used within the church itself. Taken from the book The Cross in the Marketplace, by Dave Broom. 34 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Palm Sunday (PDF download)

Dave Broom £2.30

Digital download: A service for the day when Jesus demonstrates what his claim to messiahship really means and what his Kingdom is really about - for committing ourselves to the values of the upside-down Kingdom of the unlikely Messiah Jesus, who stands today in the heart of the military-industrial complex and declares: 'Peace.' Taken from the book The Cross in the Marketplace, by Dave Broom. 7 pages.

Thom M Shuman £3.30

Digital download: Insightful meditative poems for Ash Wednesday, the Sundays of Lent, and Holy Week, which can be used in group situations or for personal reflection. 21 pages.

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Prayers for Holy Week (PDF download)

John Harvey £2.60

Digital download: Prayers for each day of Holy Week to help us reflect on the unfolding events of that period and relate them to our own lives. John is a former Leader of the Iona Community. 12 pages

E- Liturgies & Prayers

Your Life in Us (PDF download)

Peter Millar £2.00

Digital download: Each of the seven utterances of Jesus from the cross, together with a prayer reflecting on each. Peter is a former Warden of Iona Abbey. 4 pages.

Kate McIlhagga £3.05

Digital download: Moving and insightful prayers and poems for Easter Day and beyond, up to Pentecost, taken from the book The Green Heart of the Snowdrop, by Kate McIlhagga. 22 pages.

Thom M Shuman £2.90

Digital download: A programme of suggested Bible readings and short prayers for the whole of Lent and Holy Week that will help you create a few minutes of reflection for each day of this season. 17 pages.